How to Work With Us.
Are you ready to figure out what is preventing you being well?
Are you ready to get to the bottom of your health problem’s underlying cause?
Are you ready to be focused on getting healthy?
Are you ready to stop identifying yourself with a diagnosis?
We are all physiologically-identical and biochemically-unique. Our bodies are designed to do the same things, but we are each exposed to different stresses, nutrients, toxins, injuries, infections, and more. Our job is to investigate all of these things and put together a plan of action to get you back to the person you are supposed to be.
What to Expect
Step 1: Consult
The first step making an appointment for a complimentary consultation. This gives us both a chance to decide if we are the right fit for each other. Before your appointment we will have you complete a health survey form, that you can do on-line from home.
Step 2: Discovery
Schedule your examination with our doctor. During this time we will take a complete health-history, look at getting past medical records, and do a thorough physical exam and some in-office tests.
Step 3: Findings
At this point we will discuss your exam and the results of any testing. We will also go over the plan we made specifically for you. Plans include nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, support from our nutritionist and health coach, follow-up visits and labs, and financial obligations.