Mouth bacteria might be the cause of most strokes.

Stroke study finds mouth bacteria in brain clots

Mouth bacteria might be the cause of most strokes. We at Canopy talk a lot about gut and GI health. Not to sound like a broken record, but it is really important! Gut health is so crucial to some much of our health. Researchers are now even linking bad-bacteria in the mouth to strokes.

“Ensuring good oral hygiene could help to prevent stroke. This was what scientists proposed after finding DNA traces of oral bacteria in samples of blood clots that had caused strokes.” JAHA
A June 2019 article in The Journal of the American Heart Association looked at 75 people admitted to the emergency rooms for strokes. What they found when they looked at the clots causing the stroke was 79% of the clots contained a bacteria usually found in the mouth. The bacteria Streptococcus mitis, a form of  strep that breaks down red blood cells, was identified using DNA analysis. While Streptococcus mitis is considered normal in the mouth, it can cause problems when it travels to other parts of the body. Streptococcus mitis has also been associated with H. pyloricolon cancers, and infections in the heart and urinary tract.

The Digestive TractEscape Artist

So how are these critters getting out of the mouth and into other areas? It starts a little south of the mouth, in the stomach. Your stomach acid is there for more than just breaking down food. That acid is a first line defense against germs and bacteria that might be on your food, on living in your mouth. If the bacteria is able to make it through the stomach, it ends up in the intestines. Chronic problems in the GI tract usually mean intestinal permeability – or leaky gut. These “leaks” give bacteria a way to get away through the blood stream. This is the most likely avenue that S. mitis is involved in strokes.

Protect Yourself

Anything that effects the gut will always affect the brain.” Dr. Charles Majors
Looking at the gut, both small and large intestines, is a important part of what Dr. Nardi does in assessing his patients. From small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) breath testing  and comprehensive stool analysis, he can see what germs are involved, where they’re living and colonizing you, and most importantly – what will get rid of them!

We can’t stress that you need to take care of your digestive tractAnd that begins in your mouth! One simple solution is using a product that helps stabilize and protect the good bacteria in your mouth like Dentalcidin, a broad spectrum toothpaste and mouth-rinse. Ensuring that your stomach pH is at the correct level will make sure there is no escape route for bad bacteria to get into your system.

Give Dr. Nardi a call or click here to learn more about how he might be able to help.