Probiotics for Mercury Toxicity The webpage discusses a recent study that explores the potential of probiotics in mitigating the toxic effects of mercury in the gut. Mercury is a widespread environmental pollutant that poses health risks, particularly to the nervous system. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of California, found that certain strains of probiotics, specifically lactobacillus and …
Low Motivation? Little joy in things? You should read this!
Motivation to get out an do things is an indicator of happiness. Neurotransmitters are responsible for both of these moods, and being low on these chemicals, especially dopamine, can reduce motivation and the joy of doing things we love. What is dopamine & what lowers it? Dopamine doesn’t work alone and is often used with serotonin. According to Psychology Today, …
Stroke study finds mouth bacteria in brain clots
Mouth bacteria might be the cause of most strokes. We at Canopy talk a lot about gut and GI health. Not to sound like a broken record, but it is really important! Gut health is so crucial to some much of our health. Researchers are now even linking bad-bacteria in the mouth to strokes. A June 2019 article in The Journal …
Heartburn drugs linked to fatal heart and kidney disease, stomach cancer
Is Your Heartburn Medication Putting You at Risk for Heart Disease and More? “Now, a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System has linked long-term use of such drugs — called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) — to fatal cases of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and upper …
Unhealthy? Maybe its Your Biome!
The Human Biome. Currently one of the most researched areas in health. How do the bacteria in and on our body affect our overall health? This information is unfolding more and more every week. Most of the research is focusing on the gut microbiome, but our microbiome extends into the mouth, skin, and much more. What is the Microbiome? The …